Hydra 2022 Conference Registration Desk Details
The registration desk will be open for registrations from the 4:30 pm on Sunday 28 August just outside the conference room at The Bratsera Hotel.
Scientific Talk Information
Invited speaker talks should be maximim 30 minutes in length
Delegate talks should be maximum 15 minutes in length
All talks will be followed by 10 or 5 minute question-and-answer session to maintain the discussion-orientated atmosphere of the meeting.
Poster Session - Information for Poster Pitch Presentations (for all posters)
1. You may show up to TWO slides in your 2-minute slot. Your slide can have animations (adding but NOT replacing elements), even movies, but you will only have two minutes so please focus on just stating the context and key findings as succinctly as possible. Questions will be at the Poster, not in the conference session.
2. The poster boards are in “Portrait” format, and are ideally suited for an A1 poster. If necessary an A0 size portrait poster could just be accommodated.
3. A prize of €100 will be awarded to the best poster in each session. As in previous years, all delegates will receive voting papers and the poster with the most votes will win, with results announced on the last evening of the conference.